Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is colon hydrotherapy safe for everyone and are there contraindications ?

    Unless you have a prescription from your doctor, Colon Hydrotherapy should not be administered if you are currently diagnosed with diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, rectal or intestinal tumors, and severe anemia. Also, colon hydrotherapy is not administered if you are diagnosed with aneurysm, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension, cirrhosis and colon cancer.

  • What should I do before and after a colon hydrotherapy session? Before:

    24-48 hours before your appointment we recommend eating as light as possible. Only consume fruits, veggies, soup broths, light salad, smoothies and lots of water.

    Be sure to avoid dairy, meat, bread, rice, pasta and any other hard to digest food. The least amount of solid food you consume is best. Just be sure to drink plenty of water when preparing.

    Refrain from eating solid food at least two hours before the appointment. Getting colonics on a full stomach may cause you to feel nausea, experience cramping or possible vomiting. Refrain from eating solid food at least two hours before the appointment. Getting colonics on a full stomach may cause you to feel nausea, experience cramping or possible vomiting.

    Dress comfortably, a two piece-outfit is ideal, and bring socks with you.

  • What should I do before and after a colon hydrotherapy session? After:

    Drink plenty of liquids, such as electrolytes, herbal teas and pure water.

    Pro-biotic rich foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha (supplements) are highly recommended

    Avoid eating raw vegetables. Eat the veggies cooked or steamed.

    Reduce meat consumption

  • How many colon hydrotherapy sessions does a person need?

    For best results multiple sessions are recommended. 4 sessions in 2 weeks is the minimum recommended for effective and thorough waste removal.

    The International Association for Colon hydrotherapy recommends a series of (12) – 45 minutes sessions. 

    It is recommended that you use two sessions the first week, two sessions the second week, preferably back to back, and one a week for the next eight weeks. You may need to continue on a weekly basis after that until your body indicates it no longer needs the treatment.

     Some clients choose to have a session once a month for ongoing cleansing and toning. 

    If you are on a detoxification program, it is highly recommended that you include colonics as part of it. Clients that have the most success complete the recommended series.

  • What is back to back?

    Back to back sessions are completed one day after the other. example: 1 session Monday, 2nd session Tuesday

  • How much of the intestines are actually cleansed during a colon hydrotherapy treatment?

    It is possible that the full length of the colon or large intestine be cleansed with colon hydrotherapy. In order to achieve this depth of cleanse, many sessions will be required.

  • Can I have a colon hydrotherapy session if I am menstruating?

    It is absolutely safe to have a colonic during your period. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment. Clients report a decrease in cramping, which normally accompanies menstruation.

  • Can I have colon hydrotherapy if I am pregnant?

    Colon hydrotherapy can not be administered during the first and last trimester of the pregnancy.

  • Can colon hydrotherapy help with weight loss?

    The average person, who is at “normal” weight for their height and age, might have 10 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their colon. Cleaning out the dried fecal matter in your colon will show on the scale.

  • Is colon hydrotherapy painful?

    An impacted colon may cause some discomfort and cramping. This is no different than the cramping one feels when experiencing severe diarrhea. This generally occurs as the colon contracts to expel waste due to impaction. Once the major impaction is removed, many people report relief of problems. Their vitality and energy levels are restored, and they report the sessions to be relaxing, pleasant and effective.

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